Friday, December 31, 2010

pnutup TAON 2010..

lame gler kot ta post pape..

spnjg cuti x bukak lgsong blog tchenta ni..
actly cam2 jadik..

pnutup taon 2010..
i had a very great tyme ngn kawan2 tchenta..
ct khadijah..
syazana liyana..
wan hafizah..
n asmaa liyana..
byak aa jugak tmpat2 yg kiteorg jalan2 an..
dari pagi buta kua sampai laa tgah2 malam bawu balek...
kalo mama ak tau..
mampos la ak.. rasenye byk g tmpat yg ak ta p kat klantan ni..
but other thing yg mybbkan i rase bengang is

kes yg kne tipoo ni xd aa besaq sgt..
cte ni cam ni..
mlm 2 kiteorg p la wakaf che yeh..kan ta penah p b4 ni..
masing2 smangat ni nak p shop sb akhr taon da + midnite sale..
lam ati cakap msti de yg murah ni..
ngah2 jalan 2..
tup2 jumpe la ade org jual kain cottonn..
da aa lam ati mmg nak sangat kain tuh..
dgn ujannye..ramainye org..
ak bsusah payah la brebut nak beli jugak..
tye la bape hrge spasang..
die ck rm25..
lam ati..

x pkir panjang..twus je beli..
balik umah 2 gtau mama..
angah de beli baju cotton..comel..da la murah..
len kali kalo nak kim..
kim je kat angah..t angah beli..
dengan banggenye ak meng 'explainkan" kat mama ak..

tup2 esokknye mama ajak p shopping kat tganu..
crik kaen cotton jugak..
p la kat 1 kdai ni kat batu 6..
nampak je part yg jual kaen cotton 2..
trus ak p..smbil jalan 2 dengan confdent nye ak gtau mama..
mama..msti mahal kat tganu kan..
duk belek2..
tgok harge..
kat ganu kaen 2 harge x smpai pom rm20..
mama glak je..
smpai aa kua dr kedai 2..
ak jugak yg kmpunan..
da aa beli mahal..dok ktuk2 lak kaen kat ganu mahal..

#moral of da story =
ta yah aa nak caye harge2 yg mane2 je pniage jual midnite n dieorg ckp jualan abes stok..tpoo je sume 2..hehe..#

Sunday, November 14, 2010

ta mampu bkate ag

xd ke perasaan laen yg nak datang kat ati??
skali lagi tewas dlm pjuangan..
saye sayang kamooo..

Friday, November 5, 2010

aku stress

ttbe rase nak marah la pade sesape yg penah wat poem kat muke dunie ni..
geram aaaa..
siot towl ler..
susah la..
ttbe rase stress siot..
benci la kat poet!!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

debaran makin terasa

ai ni de lah ai last b4 sok..
ade pe sok??
adoyai..bapak la cuak..
exam final kot..

alamk ai..
ta sangke la plak an.
kejap je mase blalu.
ingt bawu nak sonok2..
upe3nye sok da dtg.
*countdown expired*
huhuhuhuhuhu.. =(

xleh wat entry panjang2..
t mbzir mase tok stadi..huhu..
pade sape2 yg bace blog saye ni ha..
x kesah la knal ke x..
saye mitak maap yerp kalo de wat salah silap..
ampunkan sume dose2..
cam nak raye lak.
tp ne la taw an kot2 de kat lua sane ade yg marahkan sy ker..
sb sy ni kan manusia biase..
mst de wat slah slp ngn org..
ampunkan aku,,=)

sy doakan sume kawan2 saye yer..
generally tok sume pnduduk2 ipgm mane2 kampus sluruh mlaysia.
kat budak ipta mane2 je..
dak yg nak spm..stpm..
n seumpamnya..
yg paling penting..
i doakan u guys..
jom kite same2 dapatkan 4 flat..
saye sayang kamoo sume...
doakan saye juge.,,

Sunday, October 24, 2010

mereka ada d jiwa sayer..=p ( volume 2)

before dis i penah wat entry tok kwan2 kat 2ndry school..
skang tok yg mereka2 yg brade dkt d jiwe sy..
kat jasad saye..
wthout u guys im notg in dis lonely world.,

Asmaa Liyana to u asmaa cz gmba ni comey..hehehe..

2 dia..
yg anak mami 2 la cik asma' sayer..
jejai pnyer 2..
ha..ckp sal jejai..
ni ha kmbar die..

hah..besaq g2..
pnuh blog ak..
hehe..2 la asma nyer madu..
yg pakai baju merah 2..
merah towl mak ngah kite malam 2..

next .
ta sangke dlu kat rsm alor gajah ak x d aa rapat ngt ngn minah ni sorg..
sb ldp an..
ak lak da la suke wat hal..
huhu..maklum aa zaman x mature..
skang da jadik bfren da kami ni ha,,
2 la..
ta sangke tp tpakse wat2 sangke..
ngart jer,,

da other one gurll..
dat is at my heart..

syazliya..tau pom name manjenye dik na..hehe..
ssungguhnye dalam gmba ni..
die nampak ayu skali..hehe..

* okela..
t de smbungn g..
mase yg dpruntukkan da abes sb na kne p stadi lak..
TT *

Sunday, October 17, 2010

anugerah blog tercantek..=p

i dapat award ni dr mis bunkface..
thanks laling..
huhu..nak kasi kat sape g ek??
amik2 jela sape yg nak..huhu,.

ct nurhaliza pom puji blog i..

Saturday, October 16, 2010

study hard or hard study?=p

knape kite mesti stadi??
anyone who hve da answer plez raise up ur hands..
pnting sgt ke stadi ni?
kalo kite x stadi ade chance x kite ni bjaye??
mcm2 org kasik term wen we r being da students..
but sumhow..
it just da same thing.
pnat biler pk sal stadi ni..
smpai mati pom lum tntu leh abes soklan sal stadi..

# tgok..b4 p mylmat org pom smpat g bace buku..ngeh3#

final exam??
wah..da dekat dah 2..
em..2 minggu je g??
r u really prepared 4 ur final??
ceh..tye org no 1.
.tp tuan nyer blog duk sibok2 g update blog..huhuhu..
apela nak jadik manusia zaman skang..

# jen3..da tibe mase nak bjuang,,ganbatte!!#

# tesl..or teh so??hihi..#

em..sudah2 la 2 mgarut..
em,,banyak bnde g kne bace..
kne hapal..

# kadang2 an..mcm nak psalahkan je shakespeare sb wat play yg sgt compicated nih..
last2..kite yg kne stadi.die aman je dok 6 feet under da ground..hehehe..#

nah..kang banyak 2 yg kne stadi.huhu..
bersabarlah hati yerp..
sume ni akn berakhir..
plish do ur besh..
em..kite jmpe d fnal yerp all teslian..

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Bahagia nya dapat Boyfriend macam dia...

i found this article in fb..n i think it catches ma eyes,,
so..let me share it..

~Saya suka tengok jari awek saya...
Cantik betul... Sungguh! Sampai takut nak pegang...
Bukan takut patah...
Tapi takut nanti jari kitorang tak boleh tolong each other Di satu hari yang giler forever depan yang maha Esa...

Saya suka tengok rambut awek saya...

Cantik betol...

Sungguh! Sebab tu saya belikan tudung...

Bukan sebab jeles orang lain tengok jugak...

. Tapi takut nanti terbakar dek api neraka Di suatu hari yang giler forever

Saya suka tengok body awek saya...

Cantik betol...

Sungguh! Sebab tu saya belikan dia telekong Supaya mase dia jumpa dengan Kekasih dia Yang Utama Dia lagi cantik dan berseri menghadap Nya.

Saya pun tumpang dapat pahala.

Pheh syoknye...

Saya sedih tengok awek saya Tak tido, tak makan rindu kat saya...

Saya pun macam tu jugak, Ada problem yang sama..

Dia tanya apa ubatnya? Saya pun bagi dia Quran untuk penenang jiwa..

. Semoga lebih cintakan Nya dari saya...

Saya sedih tengok awek saya Selalu pesan macam-macam kat saya...

"Makan, minum, drive elok-elok tau.. Nanti awak sakit saya susah ati bla bla bla bla" katanya...

Tapi bila tengok movie sama-sama burn asar maghrib gitu Die tak kata satu apa pun...

Berdosanye saya....

Kesimpulannya saya memang sayang dia...

Nak jumpa dia giler forever... Yang forever punye forever...

Di dunia dan akhirat terutamanya, Janji nak share heaven sama-sama...

Bahagia selamanya... Semoga kami saling mengingati, Dosa sendiri pun infiniti...

Nak tanggung dosa dia lagi pulak lepas ni...

Semoga kami menginsafi diri...

Ya Allah ampunkanlah kami....

Semoga kami dapat bersama selamanya nanti...

P/S - andai anda seorang wanita muslimah...

Mesti seronok kan kalau pasangan kita berfikiran camtu...

Then kalu anda seorang muslim...

Apa kata tanamkan dalam hati camtu...

Cinta tu anugerah Allah...

Pandai-pandai la kita menjaga nikmat Allah itu ye...

Semoga saya pun ambik iktibar jgak... Wassalam 

Monday, October 11, 2010


tag dari kak ngah..
Put an X in every box that applies to you. Add up all the X's and post it as "My Marriage Age Is ... "
Those who got tagged, do it too!classmatesku yg comel2 yg punyai coolblog.semualah mai,fatin,zana,jihan,ct,ateh,kay,ustaz,x lupa kwnku yanan0[ya auw auw]semua yg belom kawin lagi.ulang suara yg belom kawin lagi ye puan2.

[x] You know how to make a pot of coffee
[x] You keep track of dates using a calendar
[ ] You own more than one credit card
[ ] You know how to change the oil in a car
[x] You do your own laundry
[ ] You vote every election
[ x] You can cook for yourself
[ ] You think politics are exciting
[ ] You balance your own checkbook
[x] Your parents have better things to say than your friends
Total: 5
[x] You show up for school/college/work every day early
[ ] You always carry a pen in your pocket/purse
[ ] You've never gotten a detention
[x ] You have never smoked a cigarette
[ ] You have never gotten completely trashed
[ ] You have forgotten your own birthday at least once
[] You like to take walks by yourself
[ ] You've watched talk shows.
[x] You know what 'credibility' means without looking it up
[ x] You drink coffee [caffeine] at least once a week.
Total: 4
[x] You know how to do the dishes.
[] You can count to 10 in another language.
[x] When you say you're going to do something you do it(no matter how long it takes)
[x] My parents trust me
[ ] You can mow the lawn
[] You can make adults laugh without being stupid
[ ] You remember to water the plants
[x] You study when you have to
[x] You pay attention at school/college
[ ] You remember to feed your pets
Total: 5

[] You can spell 'experience' without looking it up.
[x] You work out on a regular basis.
[x] You clean up your own mess
[ ] The people at Starbucks know you by name
[ ] Your favorite kind of food is take out
[x] You have gained weight since middle/high school
[ ] The first thing you do when you wake up is get caffeine
[ ] You can go to the store without getting something you don't need
[ ] You understand political jokes the first time they are said
[ x] You can type quickly
Total: 4

[ ] You have realized that the weather forecast changes every hour
[ ] Your only friends are from your place of employment
[ ] You have been to a Tupperware party
[x] You have realized that no one will take you seriously unless you are over the age of 25 and have a job
[ ] You have more bills than you can pay
[ ] Most of all your friends are older than you are
[x] You can say no to staying out all night
[] You use the internet every day
[] Your wardrobe hasn't changed in a while
[ x] You can read a book and actually finish it
Total: 3
total all=21,pewwitt..gilo awal ak kawen,,ngeh3..
pape..besh..try it..

Sunday, October 10, 2010

99 things bout me..

ceq xmaw 25 ceq nak 99..hehe..
xyah marah ek kak ngah?wah3..=p


1. Last beverage: teh beng limau

2. Last phone call: nur najian dilah..=p

3. Last text message: pendi..=p

4. Song stuck in your head: dadali..saat aq mcintaimu

5. Last time you cried: a very long tyme ago..


6. Dated someone twice:

7. Been cheated on: YES! OBVIOUSLY.

8. Kissed someone and regretted it: lol

9. Lost someone special: yes. many people actually

10. Been depressed: everyday?huhu

11. Been drunk and threw up: nope.. HARAM!


12. PINK



14. Made a new friend: more than one.. :D

15. Fallen in love: hahaha..and was dumped by s/o actually..=p

16. Laughed until you cried: yes..

17. Met someone who changed you: there s no such people fer me

18. Found out who your true friends were: yup

19. Found out someone was talking about you: yes

20. Kissed anyone on your friend's list accidentally: nope.

21. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life: mostly

22. How many kids do you want to have: 6..hahaha..the more the

23. Do you have any pets: chocho

24. Do you wanna change your name: nope..i love ma names..some people adore it..=p

25. What did you do for your last birthday: went fer a camp at tok solehor..sob3

26. What time did you wake up today: 6.30

27. What were you doing at midnight last night: online.

28. Name something you CANNOT wait for: allowance!

29. Last time you saw your Mother: one week after eid..

30. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: behaviour.

32. What are you listening to right now: fatin's blog.

33. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: YES..TOM ROBINSON IN TKAM.HAHAHAH

34. What's getting on your nerves right now: sleepy..

35. Most visited webpage: Facebook!

36. What's your real name: Nurul Najihan bt Razali

37. What's your nickname: Jihang..jihan..hehe..k,ngah

38. Relationship Status: SINGLE!!!

39. Zodiac sign: aries

40. Male or female: Female loh!

41. Elementary school: SK Tanjung Gelam



44. Hair colour: black

45. Long or short: medium

46. Height: 162 CM i think..=p

47. Do you have a crush on someone: now? HAHA!nope i thinks..boys are big liars..

48: What do you like about yourself: ma teeth!!hahahahaha

49. Piercings: yea

50. Tattoos: definitely a no no

51. Righty or lefty: righty..


52. First surgery: nope

53. First piercing: when i was small

54. First best friend: mohd jamarullah { ma neighbour }

55. First sport you joined in: Netball

56. First vacation: johor

58. First pair of trainers:

59. Eating: food lah!

60. Drinking: drink?

61. I'm about to: have ma bath..its 624 pm lol

62. Listening to: nothg

63. Waiting for: azaan..=p


64. Want kids: ehehe.of course la!i love babies. :P

65. Get Married: :') *blushing*25 kot..

66. Career: Teacher!


67. Lips or eyes: lips i think. i am wearg spectacles so mate lbam

68. Hugs or kisses: hugs

69. Shorter or taller: taller

70. Older or Younger: older

71. Romantic or spontaneous: spontaneous..

72. Nice stomach or nice arms: nice stomach~

73. Sensitive or loud: sensitive

74. Hook-up or relationship: relationship

75. Trouble maker or hesitant: none


76. Kissed a stranger: nope

77. Drank hard liquor: HARAM A'LAIK!~

78. Lost your glasses/ contact: haha..yes..everytme i took off it,,

79. Sex on first date: no no no~gilos!

80. Broken someone's heart: nope.ironically s/o did it to me

81. flirted with a hot guy: x kuase

82. Been arrested: nope~

83. Turned someone down: haha.

84. Cried when someone died: of course la weh!

85. Fallen for a friend: eh?nope


86. Yourself: yes..there is no one to believe in anymre..

87. Miracles: sometimes

88. Love at first sight: maybe..=p

89. Heaven: of course i do.

90. Santa Claus: nope nope~

91. Kiss on the first date: eeewww~

92. Angels: yea~~ :D


94. Had more than 1 girlfriend/boyfriend at a time: lol..

95. Did you sing today: yes.hehek!

96. Ever cheated on somebody: yup..haha..just now,

97. If you could go back in time, how far would you go: 3 / 4 years back.

98. If you could pick a day from last year and relive it, what would i

t be : da day i was dumped..hahahaha

99. Are you afraid of falling in love: yes..coz i dun believe in guys anymre..but now..hahahahaha..can't dscrbe